Howdy folks! Nice to talk to you again. I’ve been a working man lately! But not really working on time management skills… I just signed up for a trial subscription to something called Simple Practice, so hopefully we can start to streamline things at work. “We” meaning “me”… So it’s been busy, and the work is going really, really well. It’s so cool. And it’s still just the beginning. Anyway, I’ll try to do a better job of popping in here more often, because I really love it and also because there’s a backlog of good things to say. Starting with another client that saw my friend George Lugo, psychic medium, and had her mind pretty much blown. And remember that another client last year, a really skeptical guy, had the same thing happen with someone whom I haven’t been to yet, Ericka Boussarhane (written up here). He was so blown away that he followed it up with a reading from George shortly thereafter (written up here). Here we go…
So my client arrived, they sat down, and George tuned in. Her mother showed up first, and she said she was so grateful to her for taking care of her at the end of her life. And yes, my client lived far away and had two children, but she still managed to care for her mother for two weeks a month. Her mom said she died with dignity as a result. She also said thanks for giving her permission to die, which my client confirmed that she had indeed done. By the way, this often happens when someone seems to be lingering for a while, not taking that final step of laying the body down for good. Final Gifts is an awesome book about this type of thing, written by two hospice nurses that had to tell about all the amazing things they’d seen on the job. It’s really cool, and a must read for any human, if you ask me. Her mom also told her that every time she thinks of her, it’s because she’s there with her. So cool… Oh, and he knew she had been in real estate, too.
Then George saw a pilot. My client said it must be her dad, who was a pilot in the military. And he saw a picture of a very common object (which I won’t share for obvious reasons), and she told him that was her maiden name. Like he saw lots of teacups, and her maiden name decades ago had been Teacup. I didn’t even know her maiden name until I heard this, by the way. Then George said the man was shining shoes like crazy! And you know what? Her dad was always shining shoes. Nice.
Next, someone showed up that said she took naps with my client and also cooked with her. Well, that was her grandmother. Because you know what? They took naps together and cooked together. Do you see a pattern? And this kind of information is not on the internet, to the folks that think he’d be wasting his time trying to trick her… And of course there are fakes out there; there are fakes in pretty much anything. I only go to the best that I hear about. And when you meet them, you see that they’re very good, genuine people that were simply born with a gift. And what’s more, go see for yourself! That’s what I’ve always done. I’d rather check something out for myself and have an experience than just try to decide with a bunch of opinions and thinking. Money well spent, I think. Back to the story…
Her brother died in a troubled way, and he showed up and said he was fine, and that he no longer had the angst that he had on earth. He said he’ll explain it when he sees her. That’s so cool… Then a really animated, vocal woman showed up shouting a name that my client didn’t recognize as a deceased friend or family member. Finally my client realized it must be her long time co-worker. The woman lit up and said yes, that’s it! Then she said, “Tell her I’m proud of her.” And the description George had of this woman matched the co-worker’s description of her mother. Also, the co-worker had her doubts when she heard this, but my client simply looked at her said, “He said things that nobody would know.” There’s just too much of this stuff to explain in any other way! And I’m a super logical math major, but one that is also pretty open minded. It’s an interesting combination, and one that forces me to see how woowoo this whole universe really is. Something to think about. Back to the story…
So then something interesting happened. George said that a very strong military presence showed up, and he saw a word starting with the letter ‘V’. George tried, but he could not make out this word, and my client didn’t register anything, either. So she forgot about it, finished the session, went home, and went back to business as usual. Then something popped in her head the moment she awoke the next morning, something that she had not thought about for thirty years. It was a rather odd telegram that her uncle had sent home while fighting in World War II. He died in the war before she was born, but she’d seen the telegram, which said something like, “I’m doing fine and make sure the life insurance is good.” She had always thought this was so odd, and it literally just popped in her head right as the alarm clock went off. For the first time in thirty years. So she told her sister about it later that morning, without even thinking about the military man that George saw. She had no clue they might be related. And then out of nowhere, her sister informed her that his wife had been named Virginia. And my client never knew this. When she heard, though, of course she thought about her session the day before. Hmm…
Was it her uncle? Who knows. But the timing sure seems interesting, doesn’t it? She hadn’t thought about that odd telegram in thirty years, and then she thinks about it out of nowhere the morning after seeing George. And his wife’s name started with a ‘V’. As a math major, what are the odds? Not much. Like, zilch, zippy, almost zero. This doesn’t mean anything for certain at all, but all of these zilches start to add up, folks. In statistics, this is called meta-analysis. And it means that the odds of all these little things happening is a massive zilch! So if you’re logical, and open-minded, then you’ll probably believe there’s something to it. Hey, it’s just math.
So there we go! Another cool story. That sure sounds like $150 well spent to me, because not only did she seem – and feel – to connect with loved ones, but her worldview was also expanded. And it was expanded with an experience. What more could she have asked for? Okay, there is one more thing. She has another sister that has struggled with mental illness, and it sounds like she’s been quite a challenge to deal with. My client’s mom said she’s doing her best and to try to forgive her. That’s all. Hey, why not try to heal some living relationships, too? I love this stuff.
So take it or leave it, but it’s my joy to report the story as I hear it. And feel free to give it a shot yourself; he even does phone sessions (and there are lots of these folks out there, but do some homework first). My good friend, in fact, had a pretty profound experience over the phone with George some time after her husband had died (when she felt ready, of course). There’s was more to it, but one of the best parts was that George saw red roses, and then the next day a dozen red roses were on her door step from her husband’s old boss. It was the anniversary of his death; he wasn’t hitting on her… And this was halfway across the country from Pensacola (where George lives), in a random big city that George has no connection to. Pretty cool… And that meta-analysis stuff is real, too. In fact, I should write about it here sometime. So have a great day, it’s nice to be back, and I hope to talk to you again soon. Peace out!